Sunday, November 3, 2013

Top 5 Muscle Building Mistakes To Avoid.

Most guys make at least one of these 5 muscle-building mistakes. Don’t be one of them.

The cold hard truth of reality is that you can workout a few times a week, eat healthy and still struggle to gain a single pound of  muscle. This can truly be  frustrating for most of us, and can lead some to loose hope completely.

This is really important. How can you expect to gain anything by eating 1,500 calorie a day? You NEED to eat BIG in order to get BIG. That doesn't give you the right to eat every fast food that comes your way. It sure is possible to gain muscle on fast food, but most of your weight will be fat and can have a high potential risk on your health. Back in the beginning stages of Bodybuilding, I'd eat six times a day and i thought i was eating big. When i decided to start counting my calories, i found out i was only eating  at most 2,000 calories. For some reason i never counted calories until 6 month in to this whole fitness gig. I always thought it would take too long or it'd be too much work. TRUST ME, it only takes about 10 second to figure out how many calories you're getting in. You should be getting in at least 3,000 calories a day. I know that sounds like too much but it can easily be done. I'd recommend eating 4 big meals about 600 calories each and drinking a gallon of milk a day. GOMAD (Gallon Of Milk A Day) is now a popular method for most people who are trying to gain weight. Another alternative is to drink 1-3 Home gainer shakes in between meals. you can look up recipes for home made gainer shakes online....there are thousands of recipes available. A shake usually has 500-1000 calories a drink so it's a good substitute for a meal or to get extra calories in.

If You are not lifting heavy, then you're just wasting your time. All that bodybuilding routine that you read in magazines and online is utter bullshit. It is basically to sell supplements. Especially your first year of working out should consist of mainly focusing on compound lifts and lifting heavier each workout. A guy that squats 400 lbs will always look bigger than a guy that struggles to squat 135 lbs. A guy that benches 300 lbs will ALWAYS have a bigger chest than someone that can barely lift 200 lbs. Simply put:
It is really not THAT complicated. I'd recommend a program like "Starting Strength" or "Strong Lifts". Go Google them right now if you've never heard of them. Here is a picture of Ryan Kelly, a famous power lifter who currently holds world record of bench pressing 1075 lbs.
Ryan Kelly is a living proof that more strength means more mass.

Muscle is built when you're sleeping NOT when you are working out. The basic science behind it is that when you work out you are stressing and tearing down muscle fibers. Along a good diet, your body builds muscle as you recover. You should always aim for 7-10 hours of sleep a day. when you sleep, your body goes into an anabolic state which is crucial for building muscle.

This can not be emphasized enough. Compound lifts must be the "core" of your workout if you're planning to gain strength or GET BIG. Compound lifts include the Squat, Dead lift  Bench Press, Bent over rows, Over head Press, and the Power Clean. Most people waste their time doing isolation exercises such as curls and incline dumbbell flyes for high repetition when they should instead be Squatting HEAVY. 

Large 200-pound and above bodybuilders know they can get an extra inch or so out of their arms by doing curls and triceps isolation exercises. They want the extra size, regardless of whether it translates into real strength. But don’t be fooled. These big fellows didn't get huge by ignoring the compound lifts. The huge guys in any bodybuilding gym paid their dues with compound moves when they were developing, just like every other successful weight lifter. 
Small Lifters do isolation exercises because they don't know any better.
Have you ever had a friend or a family member say.."you know what i'm going to get shredded by next year"...then one year later they still look exactly the same. When you ask what happened they start giving you all types of lame excuses to why they didn't succeed. Giving up will never get you anywhere. Most people have unrealistic expectations when it comes to bodybuilding  thanks to the media advertising their "magic pill/workout" (Which by the way is usually bullshit). It usually takes a good year or two to see some drastic improvement. Does that sound too much of hard work for you? If yes, then i suggest you leave because you don't have what it takes and you can continue to fantasize about a "Perfect Life". To be honest you'll see improvements throughout the year but they'll be small. You'll start to see your arm get bigger little by little. Your chest will probably begin to puff up slowly. But these minor improvements will keep you motivated. So just STAY IN THERE and know you're moving toward the right roadblock to success.

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