Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Fundamentals of Getting Laid



The fundamentals consists of Looks, Logistics, Not giving a Fuck, and your Mindset.


Where do I even begin? Looks matter and no matter how good your so called "game" is if you don't have this down to pat, you're not getting top shelf pussy (you might be able to land you a fatty, if you're lucky).
I see guys hitting on hundreds of chicks when they look like complete shit. Sure you might eventually land you a girl that is drunk or ugly or desperate 1/1000 times but is that really worth it? Fix your style and looks!!!  LET'S BE REAL FOR A MOMENT, you're living in the REAL world where people constantly judge each other based on looks and first impressions unlike what Hollywood movies portrays...SURPRISE SURPRISE.
  • If you're fat, lose the weight. If you're skinny, BULK UP.
  • Your Haircut? Go to a nice barber and get a decent cut that compliments your attributes.
  • If you have glasses, Ditch them now!!!! Get contacts or laser eye surgery (if you can afford it). 
  • Change your wardrobe (wear edgy sexy clothing) and STOP WEARING BORING CLOTHES LIKE 95% of the guys.
  • If you have acne or pimples, get rid of it.
  • Fix your teeth, get a tan if you're pale etc
We will have a post on Looks/style very soon so stay tuned.

This guy gets what i'm saying. He is dressed edgy and has a bad boy look


Now if you are going to fuck a girl, then how the hell are you going to have sex with her if you live with your parents (depends on who your parent is). Here is a list of suggestion that will definitely help.
  • Move out and get your OWN place.
  • If you live in a small town, move to an area with a high population (High population=More Chicks).
  • If your place is far away or you can't afford to live on your own, I suggest you look for close by family bathrooms, or private area to pull your girl.


If you are planning to approach & bed women then you must learn the lost art of not giving a fuck. Because let me tell you the cold hard will get rejected ALOT, so you can't afford to care about every little interaction.Some people have what is called Approach Anxiety, which is being nervous and getting the butterflies before approaching a hot girl. We all have it when we first start out. Some get rid of it faster than others depending on the amount of work they put in. The only advice i can give you on getting rid of approach anxiety is to do the old fashioned 1000 approach challenge. The challenge is basically to approach 1000 women (which usually take 3-6 months to complete). If you were to approach 3-5 women a day, you'll have approached at least 140 women a month. Don't worry I'll be writing specific and step by step guidelines to get rid of your fears, so 'll address the issue later on.


The mentality and mindset you have has a great deal of effect on your ability to lay women. RIGHT NOW, I want you to ERASE AND FORGET EVERYTHING YOU THINK YOU KNOW ABOUT PICKING UP WOMEN.No one will tell you this, but going out and picking up women is a numbers game...THAT'S RIGHT.On a given day/night there will be a given amount of girls that would like you and a certain percentage will find you unattractive. Realize 95% of the women you approach want nothing to do with you. That means if you were to approach 100 women, only 1-5 of the women would be willing to sleep with you. It is all a number's game and if a girl finds  you attractive and is down to fuck, all you have to do is make moves and lead her to your bedroom. All legit players know this, and they never waste their time with girls that don't find them attractive. Instead they try to fuck the girls that already like them...simple huh? Who said getting laid had to be difficult? Just STOP trying to make a specific girl like you or saying a perfect line or doing things that will "win her over"...THIS IS NOT A HOLLYWOOD MOVIE, this is real life and in REAL LIFE, none of that BULLSHIT WORKS. What you say and do does NOT matter. Either a girl  likes you or she doesn't.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------On the next upcoming posts, I'll be writing "how to guides" on filtering girls that are NOT down to fuck so you know who to not waste your time with. I'll also post on how to go from the approach to having the girl in your bed SO STAY TUNED.

Good luck, go out there and take action. 

Sunday, October 27, 2013

What This Site Will Include (First Post)


WARNING: Our advice is raw and uncensored.This site includes HARDCORE NO BULLSHIT ADVICE for men who are looking to turn their life around. This is a "Get Laid" Site and we push extreme behavior  so this may not be for everyone. Everything here comes from legit experience that has been tested and tried.The site include mature contents that may contain offensive language,nudity, and recreational drug use so Viewer Discretion is advised!!!



This site offers you the tools and information to help YOU live your life as you've always desired.
We can not force you to take our advice
Realize your life is ending one second at time, so waste it wisely.

     We will be updating this blog on a weekly basis and here are some of the things we will cover that YOU might find interesting:

  1. Approaching women/Screening
  2. Meeting again having sex with them
  3. Bathroom pulls, One night stand,Same day lays
  4. Keeping them as your Fuck buddy
  5. Relationship advice
  6. How to have 3somes and orgy
  7. Muscle building- Diet,Workout, recommended products, and cy
  8. Proper use of Steroids,Proper Cycling,Trouble shooting
  9. Fat loss No bullshit diet and info on how to propperly shred fat.
  10. Powerlifting/strongmen workouts
  11. Growing a bigger dick-penis exercises
  12. Jelquing
  13. Products that will efficiently increase your size
  14. sexual performance enhancement techniques (Lasting Longer)
  15. Looks/Style guideline to dressing EDGY
  16. Approach anxiety program
  17. Simple exercises to help you "Not give a fuck"
  18. how to make money-Be rich, own a bussiness, etc
  19. Giving her orgasms
  20. Learning how to fight(Self defense articles, recommended cheap classes, etc)
And much much more...

So STAY TUNED AND FOLLOW OUR BLOG, if you don't want to miss out on all the FREE content we have to give out.

Until Then Live your life and
                      "DO WHATEVER THE FUCK                               YOU WANT TO DO!"